TRL - 코로나19 COVID-19 미국, 유럽, 아시아, 중동, 아프리카 등 세계 현황/전망 (coronavirus)카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 22. 22:11
TRL - 코로나19 COVID-19 미국, 유럽, 아시아, 중동, 아프리카 등 세계 현황/전망 (coronavirus) (수정중)
TRP - 코로나19 COVID-19 미국, 유럽, 아시아, 중동, 아프리카 등 세계 현황/전망
TRL - 코로나19 COVID-19 미국, 유럽, 아시아, 중동, 아프리카 등 세계 현황/전망 (coronavirus)
TRL - 코로나19 COVID-19 한국 현황/전망 (coronavirus)
2020.04.04. - 주로 코로나19 관련 뉴스 모아보기
2020.03.15. - 코로나19 뉴스 & 아프리카돼지열병(ASF) 뉴스
2020.03.18. - coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2
https://trls.tistory.com/182020.03.22. - 코로나19, coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2
---You Won’t Believe My Morning
March 25, 2020 By Tim Urbanhttps://waitbutwhy.com/2020/03/my-morning.html
Updating Links
coronavirus dashboards & updating articles - world
Cryptic transmission of novel coronavirus revealed by genomic epidemiology
coronavirus dashboards & updating articles - south korea
Korea, Wonderland? 참 이상한 나라
조회수 2,088,571회•2020. 3. 17.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbbU1PBemC4
South Korean Foreign Minister: 'Testing central for early detection'
Andrew Marr spoke to the South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha
Release date:15 March 2020https://www.bbc.com/programmes/p086q4fx
covid-19 graph
How To Tell If We're Beating COVID-19
조회수 5,891,894회•최초 공개: 2020. 3. 27.minutephysics (구독자 504만명)
Welche Länder die Kurve am schnellsten drücken konnten
Eine ungewöhnliche Grafik zeigt, welche Länder die Ausbreitung des Coronavirus zu bremsen vermochten.
Marc Brupbacher, Andreas Moor
Aktualisiert am 7. Mai 2020Which countries were quickest to push the curve
An unusual graphic shows which countries were able to slow the spread of the corona virus.
Marc Brupbacher , Andreas Moor
Updated May 7, 2020https://interaktiv.tagesanzeiger.ch/2020/welche-laender-die-kurve-am-schnellsten-druecken-konnten/
What’s Going On in This Graph? | Pandemic Consumer Spending
How has Covid-19 changed our spending habits?-
Exponential growth and epidemics
조회수 5,470,335회•2020. 3. 9.3Blue1Brown (구독자 287만명)
Simulating an epidemic
조회수 3,606,457회•2020. 3. 28.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxAaO2rsdIs
Epidemic, Endemic, and Eradication Simulations
조회수 1,144,601회•최초 공개: 2020. 5. 18.Primer (구독자 83.5만명)
How coronavirus charts can mislead us
조회수 2,265,609회•2020. 4. 28.Vox (구독자 823만명)
Why Covid-19 is more AND less deadly than we knew
조회수 734,080회•2020. 6. 4.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qdd7kirwIk
Why tigers get coronavirus but your dog will be fine
조회수 320,268회•2020. 6. 1.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWYTaXWO2t0
How coronavirus spreads outdoors vs. indoors
조회수 2,707,620회•2020. 5. 28.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6QwnzbRUyA
The US tested the wrong people for coronavirus
조회수 3,375,189회•2020. 5. 23.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6ewlQs8CAQ
The big lesson from South Korea's coronavirus response
조회수 3,004,307회•2020. 4. 10.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE-cA4UK07c
Why South Korea's Coronavirus Curve Looks So Different From The Rest Of The World
조회수 1,041,345회•2020. 4. 17.Business Insider (구독자 310만명)
What If It Takes Two Years for a COVID-19 Vaccine?
조회수 686,164회•2020. 5. 21.What If (구독자 390만명)
What If We Could Kill the Coronavirus with UVC Lights?
조회수 213,611회•2020. 4. 19.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ4OnRYyBZI
Covid-19: why the economy could fare worse than you think | The Economist
조회수 1,451,536회•2020. 5. 27.The Economist (구독자 142만명)
This Crisis Is Creating Something Shady In the Stock Market
조회수 597,908회•2020. 5. 23.Jack Chapple (구독자 31.4만명)
Buffett Has Not Bought Any Stocks In 2020 & The Reasons Behind It Are Frightening
조회수 460,985회•2020. 5. 29.Cooper Academy - Investing (구독자 15만명)
Mapping the Coronavirus Outbreak Across the World
By Cedric Sam, Chloe Whiteaker, Hannah Recht and Demetrios Pogkashttps://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2020-wuhan-novel-coronavirus-outbreak/
Washington Post
Financial Times
How Bad Will the Coronavirus Outbreak Get?
Here Are 6 Key Factors
By Knvul Sheikh, Derek Watkins, Jin Wu and Mika GröndahlUpdated Feb. 28, 2020https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/world/asia/china-coronavirus-contain.html
The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates
조회수 13,420,879회•2015. 4. 3.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Af6b_wyiwI
Spanish Flu: a warning from history
조회수 2,287,338회•2018. 11. 30.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x1aLAw_xkY
Coronavirus Is Our Future | Alanna Shaikh | TEDxSMU
Why COVID-19 is hitting us now -- and how to prepare for the next outbreak | Alanna Shaikh
조회수 5,497,920회•2020. 3. 11.조회수 568,717회•2020. 3. 17.
What we do (and don't) know about the coronavirus | David Heymann
조회수 434,316회•2020. 3. 5.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8c3TzQtD4k
How can we control the coronavirus pandemic? | Adam Kucharski
조회수 127,767회•2020. 3. 16.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slzuVj5YEms
The Politics of Coronavirus
조회수 272,392회•2020. 3. 20.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pb01T3Ew4Y
Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus
This storm will pass. But the choices we make now could change our lives for years to come
Yuval Noah Harari MARCH 20 2020https://www.ft.com/content/19d90308-6858-11ea-a3c9-1fe6fedcca75
In the Battle Against Coronavirus, Humanity Lacks Leadership
Harari on the world after coronavirus
March 21, 2020 at 12:42pm
Edited by Bouli Hadjioannouhttps://in-cyprus.com/harari-on-the-world-after-coronavirus/
유발 하라리 "코로나19 승리 위해선 글로벌 연대 필요"
매일신문 배포 2020-03-21 12:45:49 | 수정 2020-03-21 12:02:24https://news.imaeil.com/Society/2020032111521475822
Yuval Harari: This is the worst epidemic in 'at least 100 years'
2020. 03. 15.
Yuval Noah Harari: Official Website
Google search > Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus
Google search > In the Battle Against Coronavirus, Humanity Lacks Leadership
Google search > Yuval Noah Harari
Coronavirus in South Korea: How 'trace, test and treat' may be saving lives
By Laura Bicker
BBC News, Seoul
12 March 2020https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51836898
U.S. vs. South Korea: Timeline of Two Countries Containing The Coronavirus | NowThis
조회수 106,669회•2020. 3. 21.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkDYkYpY8H0
What This Chart Actually Means for COVID-19
조회수 2,089,988회•2020. 3. 17.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgBla7RepXU
Estimating actual COVID 19 cases (novel corona virus infections) in an area based on deaths
조회수 1,299,684회•2020. 3. 14.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCa0JXEwDEk
The Worst Economic Collapse In History Is Starting Now: Be Prepared
조회수 578,110회•2020. 3. 16.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDFoF3izhGQ
코로나 위기, 세계 경제 고꾸라지는 데 30일 걸렸다
박혜연 기자 입력 2020.03.21. 18:14 수정 2020.03.21. 18:26 댓글 969개https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200321181403153
Factbox: Charting the impact of the new coronavirus
Ritvik Carvalho | 4 MIN READ---
미국 USA
Why we’re not overreacting to the coronavirus, in one chart
Italy tried to stem its outbreak, belatedly. We’re on the same course.
By Kelsey Piper and Christina Animashaun Updated Mar 21, 2020, 12:05pm EDThttps://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2020/3/20/21179040/coronavirus-us-italy-not-overreacting
11 charts that explain the coronavirus pandemic
What symptoms are most common, which groups are most at risk, and more.
By Dylan Matthews@dylanmattdylan@vox.com Updated Mar 17, 2020, 9:46am EDThttps://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2020/3/12/21172040/coronavirus-covid-19-virus-charts
How the US stacks up to other countries in confirmed coronavirus cases
The United States case numbers are more in line with Italy and Iran than Singapore and Hong Kong.
By Dylan Scott and Rani Molla Updated Mar 19, 2020, 9:58am EDT-
Coronavirus 31 Stories
All of our reporting on the COVID-19 outbreak, provided for free to all readers.https://www.technologyreview.com/collection/coronavirus/
What is herd immunity and can it stop the coronavirus?
Once enough people get Covid-19, it will stop spreading on its own. But the costs will be devastating.
by Antonio Regalado Mar 17, 2020https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615375/what-is-herd-immunity-and-can-it-stop-the-coronavirus/
Flattening the Coronavirus Curve Is Not Enough
Addressing the growing pandemic requires a new mindset and it requires it quickly.By: Joshua Gans
Your legal rights in a quarantine, explained
The truth is, your rights aren’t particularly well defined.
By Ian Millhiser Mar 11, 2020, 8:10am EDThttps://www.vox.com/2020/3/11/21166621/coronavirus-quarantines-legal-constitution-new-rochelle
5 Reasons Donald Trump Can't Copy South Korea's Coronavirus Strategy
A world-renowned professor in South Korea explains why America can't just copy what has been effective in South Korea.
by Robert E. Kelly1. South Korea is much smaller
2. South Korea is centralized
3. National Health Insurance
4. More Cohesiveness
5. Better leadership
'확진자 1만명' 아수라장 된 미국…코로나19 전방위 대응
파이낸셜뉴스 입력 : 2020.03.20 15:42 수정 : 2020.03.20 15:42https://www.fnnews.com/news/202003201020350440
미국 병원서 2주 격리? 비용만 7300만 원!
[김광기의 '인사이드 아메리카'] 코로나19를 대하는 '제국'의 민낯 ⑨
김광기 경북대 교수2020.03.19 14:04:37http://www.pressian.com/news/article/?no=283828
미 전문가들 "코로나19 미국 사망자 3주 내 정점 이를 듯"
윤고은 입력 2020.03.26. 14:23 댓글 26개https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200326142318348
전염병학자들 "사회적 거리두기 중요..3주후 자택대피 부분 해제 가능"
파우치 "겨울철로 접어든 남반구에서 상당규모 발병..계절적 질병에 대비해야"트럼프 "문 대통령과 좋은 대화..한국, 내게 '검사절차 놀랍다'"
송수경 입력 2020.03.26. 09:59 댓글 3065개https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200326095910293
트럼프 "韓, 매우 성공적 테스터..8일 동안 미국이 한국 보다 더 많이 검사" 자랑
김경호 입력 2020.03.26. 09:10 댓글 459개https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200326091003762
문 대통령 "국내 여유분이 있으면 최대한 지원하겠다" / 트럼프 대통령 "중국 바이러스라 안하겠다" / 트럼프 "우리 검사는 더 좋고, 매우 정교하다. 솔직히 나도 한 번 받았다"
미국도 낯선 주한미군 공중보건 비상사태, "전대미문" 반응
박대로 입력 2020.03.26. 12:00 댓글 78개https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200326120033216
유럽 EU
Financial Times
Image of the Day: How COVID-19 Spreads
International data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
indicates a similar pattern in reported coronavirus cases during the first 10 days
after the case count passes 500.
Amy Schleunes, and Catherine Offord
Mar 19, 2020https://www.the-scientist.com/image-of-the-day/image-of-the-day-how-covid-19-spreads-67289
The answer: One week
By Scott Sumner
The question: What’s the difference between Italy and the rest of the Western world?
The FT provides a graph:https://www.econlib.org/the-answer-one-week/
Here are a few misconceptions I see:
1. It’s not that bad because the death rate is only around 1%, and it mostly kills old people.
2. It’s not that bad because it’s likely to fade away once the weather gets warmer.Instead we seem to be faced with two unpleasant choices:
1. Lots of deaths and lots of overburdened medical systems.
2. Lots of social distancing, and perhaps a recession.How Taiwan Used Big Data, Transparency and a Central Command to Protect Its People from Coronavirus
Beth Duff-Brown | March 3, 202011 charts that explain the coronavirus pandemic
What symptoms are most common, which groups are most at risk, and more.
By Dylan Matthews@dylanmattdylan@vox.com Updated Mar 17, 2020, 9:46am EDThttps://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2020/3/12/21172040/coronavirus-covid-19-virus-charts
이태리 Italy
Bing > COVID-19
Coronavirus: New graph shows people in their 20s are more asymptomatic and not being tested for COVID-19
Rachel SadlerAn economist in Belgium has created a chilling new graph which shows younger people may not be tested for the COVID-19 coronavirus because they are asymptomatic. Andreas Backhaus compared cases by age between South Korea and Italy and found a spike in the number of diagnosed people in South Korea aged 20-29. He says this is due to Italy only testing symptomatic people, whereas South Korea tests everyone and picks up more mild cases.
Study: Elderly Most At Risk From The Coronavirus
by Niall McCarthy | Feb 18, 2020https://www.statista.com/chart/20860/coronavirus-fatality-rate-by-age/
영국 UK
'IT WAS PREDICTABLE' UK ‘on same coronavirus trajectory as Italy’ and ‘public events should have been banned last week’, says Dr Hilary
Richard Wheatstone
12 Mar 2020, 10:36 Updated: 12 Mar 2020, 13:43https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11156560/uk-coronavirus-dr-hilary-good-morning-britain/
독일 Germany
독일 코로나 사망률 세계 최저, 비밀 풀렸다
권영미 기자 입력 2020.03.26. 08:52 댓글 1427개https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200326085221988
일본 Japan
[르포] 감염 폭발? 日의 '두 얼굴'..사재기 VS 벚꽃 인파
황현택 입력 2020.03.26. 21:45 수정 2020.03.26. 22:28 댓글 929개https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200326214526008
"올림픽하려 축소했었나"..日 확진 갑자기 '폭증'
박진주 입력 2020.03.26. 20:28 수정 2020.03.26. 20:30 댓글 2976개https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200326202821866
러시아 Russia
Covid-19: what’s really going on in Russia? | The Economist
조회수 96,738회•2020. 6. 5.The Economist (구독자 142만명)
(한국 기사는 별도로...)
TRL - 코로나19 COVID-19 한국 현황/전망 (coronavirus)