2020.04.18. - The Economist’s coverage of the coronavirus (& others)카테고리 없음 2020. 4. 18. 15:22
2020.04.18. - The Economist’s coverage of the coronavirus (& others)
A global pandemic
The Economist’s coverage of the coronavirus
A selection of our stories about covid-19 and its consequenceshttps://www.economist.com/news/2020/03/11/the-economists-coverage-of-the-coronavirus
Daily chart
Apr 17th 2020
Coronavirus infections have peaked in much of the rich world
But the fight to control the pandemic is likely to be a long and slow oneThe world gets ready
Covid-19 is now in 50 countries, and things will get worse
But there are proven ways to limit the damageEmergency exit
Governments are starting to ease restrictions
Gradually, cautiously and with only a hazy idea of what workshttps://www.economist.com/international/2020/04/16/governments-are-starting-to-ease-restrictions
The coronavirus pandemic
An antibody test for the novel coronavirus will soon be available
Use it wiselySo many candidates, so little time
Can the world find a good covid-19 vaccine quickly enough?
And can it mass-produce it fairly if it does?Shot at victory
Is remdesivir the drug that can kill the coronavirus?
Many hope it is the cure the world has been looking for, but nobody can yet be sure it worksA corporate survival guide
The coronavirus crisis will change the world of commerce
Firms that make it through will face a new business climate-
Google search > economist coronavirus
Responding to the economic and business impacts of COVID-19
We assess the growing impact of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on business and trade and share insights on how your organisation needs to plan its response.https://www.eiu.com/n/novel-coronavirus-outbreak/
The impact on industryA report by The Economist Intelligence Unit
The Coronavirus Risk Matrix
Thu, 19th Mar 2020https://www.eiu.com/n/the-coronavirus-risk-matrix/
EIU Nowcast: Data point to severe contraction in Q2
Wed, 08th Apr 2020https://www.eiu.com/n/eiu-nowcast-data-point-to-severe-contraction-in-q2/
The EIU nowcast for Q1 2020 GDP growth fell sharply to -1.51% quarter-on-quarter, as on April 3rd.
COVID-19 to send almost all G20 countries into a recession
Thu, 26th Mar 2020https://www.eiu.com/n/covid-19-to-send-almost-all-g20-countries-into-a-recession/
This article was updated on 14 April to reflect the latest forecast data.
Coronavirus updates
Understand the economic impact of the coronavirus.https://www.oxfordeconomics.com/coronavirus
국내 블로그/커뮤니티 중 비슷한 관심사 갖은 곳
Economist Reading-Discussion
http://cafe.daum.net/econimistOn-line Translation
3rd Week A corporate survival guide -The coronavirus crisis will change the world of commerce( Interpretation )
Statesman추천 1조회 3720.04.13 21:19[공유] 이코노미스트(The Economist) 구독 정보
The coronavirus crisis will change the world of commercehttp://blog.naver.com/tomorrow_2/221910429768
경제 (투자)
The crisis will change the world of commerce 코로나바이러스로 인한 경제위기가 결국엔 상업세계의 판을 바꿀것이다.
고은빛 실버라이트0624 2020. 4. 9. 06:27https://silverlight0624.tistory.com/33
코로나 이후 산업은 어떻게 변화할 것인가?
buxton02 ・ 2020. 4. 14. 8:52
The coronavirus crisis will change the world of commerce