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TRL - 논문: Instrumental methods and techniques for structural and physicochemical characterization of biomaterials and bone tissue (2017)

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TRL - 논문: Instrumental methods and techniques for structural and physicochemical characterization of biomaterials and bone tissue (2017)




Instrumental methods and techniques for structural and physicochemical characterization of biomaterials and bone tissue: A review

Materials Science and Engineering: C
Volume 79, 1 October 2017, Pages 930-949





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Fig. 1. Various techniques for biomaterials characterization.




Table 1. Overview of various instrumental methods used for structural and physicochemical characterization of biomaterials and bone tissue.

Physicochemical characteristicsInstrumental methodTypical applicationsRefsCrystalline propertiesParticle sizeStructure and chemical analysisMorphology

Thermal methods Influence of hot pressing on the properties, crystallization kinetics and decomposition of HAp/PLLA composite biomaterial (TGA) [14] Ignjatović et al.
Determination of vitamin E-stabilized crosslinked acetabular cups crystallinity (DSC) [28] Affatato et al.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) Investigation of qualitative and quantitative composition, crystallite size, and degree of crystallinity of biocomposite materials [34] Kandić et al., [35] Veselinović et al.
Particle size distribution (PDS) The effect of particle size on the reaction kinetics and final micro- and nanostructural features of CP cement [44] Ginebra et al.
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) Information about flexibility of particles and the nature of interactions between particles and their environment [45] Schmitz et al.
Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) Study of bone mineralization [54] Fratzl et al.
Zeta potential (ZP) and surface charge Influence of zeta potential on the suspension stability of HAp and PLGA nanoparticle carriers for cholecalciferol local delivery [72] Ignjatović et al.
Contact angle (CA) analysis Impact of contact angle on the biocompatibility of biomaterials [81] Menzies et al.
Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and wavelength dispersive X-Ray (WDX) spectroscopy WDX semi-quantitative analysis of irregularly shaped particles [85] Weinbruch et al.
EDX characterization of composite biomaterials based on BCP and DLPLG [87] Ajduković et al.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) Chemical analysis of polymeric biomaterials [96] Sabbatini et al.
Vibrational spectroscopy (Raman, FTIR) Purity of CoHAp and influence of cobalt on crystal structure (Raman spectroscopy) [37] Stojanović et al.
Characterization of bone tissue experimental animals after glucocorticoid treatment (FTIR) [112] Mitić et al.
Study of HAp/PLLA composite as a substitute for bone (FTIR) [120] Ignjatović et al.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Determination of component structure of PLGA/HAp core-shell nanostructures by 1H and 13C NMR [130] Vukomanović et al.
Characterization of calcium phosphate bioceramics, rabbit bone and human pathologic bone samples by 1H and 31P solid state NMR [140] Miquel et al.
Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) Application in the area of polymers and biopolymers, biomaterials, bioinorganic systems, paramagnetic compounds, proteins, and in the area of novel self-assembled structures
Recent technique developments and applications in characterizing inorganic materials
[135] Brown

[136] Hanna et al.
Electron spin resonance (ESR) Dating of teeth [145] Oliveira et al.
Characterization of reactive oxygen species generated by TiO2 during osseointegration of dental implants [146] Lee et al.
Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) Elemental analysis of biomimetic HAp [154] Thamaraiselvi et al.
Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) Determination of trace elements in tooth enamel [157] Ghadimi et al.
Mass spectrometry (MS) Release of clindamycin from PLGA/HAp based drug-delivery systems [130] Vukomanović et al.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-pressed HAp/PLLA biocomposite blocks [167] Ignjatović et al.
Assessment of advanced nanocomposite materials for orthopedic applications [174] Chevaliera et al.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Characterization of nanosized plate-like HAp [177] Vukomanović et al.
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) Study of biological crystal growth mechanisms in the vicinity of implanted synthetic HAp crystals
The influence of zinc and alginate ions on the growth mechanism and the morphology of HAp crystals
[180] Hemmerlé et al.

[182] Jun et al.
Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) The influence of the ultrasound on the growth mechanism of the HAp [178] Jevtić et al.
Electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) The investigation of structural environment of the Ca atoms in nano-sized calcium-deficient apatite
The study of the nanostructure of mineralized ivory dentine
[187] Sz-Chian et al.

[191] Jantou-Morris et al.
Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) Study of biomaterial-biological tissue interface by STM [193] Emch et al.
Characterization of CP granules/particles coated with PLGA by AFM [195] Ignjatović et al.

